Portrait of Fay Vincent
Portrait of Fay Vincent

Oil in canvas, 44” x 52”, Yale Law School, 2010

“Summer School”, Florence,  Italy
“Summer School”, Florence, Italy

Oil on canvas, 30” x 52”, 2005

The Coombe, Dublin, Ireland 2010
The Coombe, Dublin, Ireland 2010

Oil on canvas, 20” x 32”, The Pedestrian Series, 2010.  

Sir John Leslie, 4th Baronet of Glaslough & Pettigo at Castle Leslie, 2016.
Sir John Leslie, 4th Baronet of Glaslough & Pettigo at Castle Leslie, 2016.

Oil on canvas, 18” x 24”, interior. The Badia de Sebastiini, Alatri, Italy.  2014. collection of Castle Leslie, Glaslough, Monaghan, Ireland.  

Summer morning, the Pedestrian Series 2010
Summer morning, the Pedestrian Series 2010

Oil on canvas, 22” x 30”, 2010, Collection of the HSE, Dublin, Ireland 

Portrait of Quinlin, 1982
Portrait of Quinlin, 1982

Graphite on paper, 22” x 30”, the Caan Collection, Hoboken, New Jersey. 

Glendalough, 1983
Glendalough, 1983

Graphite on paper, 22”  x 30”, Beauchane Collection, New Jersey, 1983 

Another Autumn, oil on canvas, 20” x 30”, 2010
Another Autumn, oil on canvas, 20” x 30”, 2010
Jed S. Rakoff Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Jed S. Rakoff Senior Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
Anna Pauline “Pauli” Murray, oil on canvas, Yale
Anna Pauline “Pauli” Murray, oil on canvas, Yale

Portrait of Lisa,  Ms Lisa Goldberg, Revson Foundation
Portrait of Lisa, Ms Lisa Goldberg, Revson Foundation
“After Eden”, ol on canvas, 50” x 46”, 2010
“After Eden”, ol on canvas, 50” x 46”, 2010

The Honorable Colleen McMahon, US District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York.
The Honorable Colleen McMahon, US District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York.
Portrait of the Honorable Barrington Daniels Parker Jr. , Yale Law School.
Portrait of the Honorable Barrington Daniels Parker Jr. , Yale Law School.
The artist at work
The artist at work